Supreme Grey and Body Hair 23/01/2018

Hello everyone, so this journey I am on of letting my grey hair bleed out of my scalp has been interesting this week. I wanted to share a little research I did on the whys of grey hair and also a beautiful revelation that filled my heart with love (I love it when that happens). Why we go grey and what happens to our hair when the colour drains away. Oh and bit of sweaty info on BODY HAIR.

Why we go grey and what unifies us ALL
There is a gene called IRF4 (very catchy) that has been identified as being linked to the greying effect of hair. There is definitely a genetic link but obviously as with everything scientific there is always the exception where being struck by lighting for example can result in a full white head of hair. The production of melanin causes the wide variety of colours of hair – blond, red, black, brown etc… but most importantly for me anyway is that when this production stops, when melanin slows down and takes a rest in it’s big lazy grandpa arm chair do you know what is left over in ALL of us; yes you guessed it ‘The Supreme Grey/Silver or White hair’ is what remains. Underneath all those beautiful rainbows of colour is one unifying shade, the shade of grey. The grey hair is the left over by product (sounds a bit crappy put that way).
So for me reading this I blubbed and chuckled to my hearts content, I looked to the ceiling and felt the reveal in my heart that again we are unified always, especially as we age, we return to each other in the reverence of grey hair. When I was doing this research I was actually sat in a Weatherspoons pub (where all miracles on earth happen of course) in the middle of the day no less, one of my newly fostered habits – the cheapest coffee and people watching. I looked around me and there were a number of old dudes and dudettes sat around chatting, there was a table of old ‘Supremely Grey haired guys’ playing cards. There was a couple of ‘supremely silver foxed’ ladies showing each other pictures on their phones, smiling and giggling. I thought wow yes they couldn’t care less about the colours of their hair, they’re just enjoying each others heavenly company. And I thought maybe this ageing lark might be quite fun and a bit of the relief compared to all those years I’ve spent being extremely sexy and dolled up (cannot be arsed with that any more FYI).

Body hair
I will mention body hair at this point as it has come up a bit this week. Whether it is too much body hair or not enough body hair in certain places (the boldness wave of glory I will call it today). Of course hair is permitted to flow profusely from our heads in glorious waving locks but if the same hair should flow from our armpits or the back of our shins then ‘oh no no no’ that is not permitted, you must be ripped from your follicles, be gone with you mass of curly locks how dare you grow there. I just started getting a bit moody and pissed off at all this pickyness, grow here but not here, oh shut up and just let it grow for Goodness sakes (that is me talking to myself and the body hair). I enjoy having regular conversations with my body hair.
Then the thought occurred to me, what if we all as a society what if we let our hair grow exactly as it pleases lets say for one whole year. What would we all look like and what would happen to the world as we know it! No cutting, no shaving, no trimming, no waxing, no bloody epilation (torture), no clean shaves and no colouring. Just imagine with me for a second if you will, imagine what we would look like, imagine how we would feel. I feel there would be an unfolding of great magnitude, the beards, the ‘The Supreme Grey’ would be rife, the leg hair would be conquerors of the swimming pools, I am smiling at the thought, oh my Lord the armpit hair – wow that would be a sight. What would we feel like? Liberated? Shameful? Humbled? The kiddies would enjoy all the plaiting and weird & wonderful hair styles we could adopt. Possibly a bit uncomfortable at the sweaty smelly hair that falls around us all the time and then someone, some brave soul (there’s always one) that would suggest we all get a trim and end the mass allowance of the growth of body hair. The hair dressers and beauticians would collapse at the chaos that has unfolded around them and then make billions once we return to normality. But maybe after this year we could all just chill a bit more when we see a hairy leg or an overgrown beard and be glad that we experimented.
And dear ones we can all remember that underneath it all we are in fact the same ‘We are all Supremely Grey’, you and I together for all eternity.

Love to you all, the hairy ones and the shaven ones.


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