Supreme Grey and Body Hair 23/01/2018
Hello everyone, so this journey I am on of letting my grey hair bleed out of my scalp has been interesting this week. I wanted to share a little research I did on the whys of grey hair and also a beautiful revelation that filled my heart with love (I love it when that happens). Why we go grey and what happens to our hair when the colour drains away. Oh and bit of sweaty info on BODY HAIR. Why we go grey and what unifies us ALL There is a gene called IRF4 (very catchy) that has been identified as being linked to the greying effect of hair. There is definitely a genetic link but obviously as with everything scientific there is always the exception where being struck by lighting for example can result in a full white head of hair. The production of melanin causes the wide variety of colours of hair – blond, red, black, brown etc… but most importantly for me anyway is that when this production stops, when melanin slows down and takes a rest in it’s big lazy grandpa arm ch...