
Showing posts from February, 2018

Supreme Grey goes surfing in Newquay!

The supreme grey is ever so slowly revealing itself to my world (slowly for my standards and I am massively forthright – or impatient when out of balance with myself). My sparkling blue eyes cannot wait for its sparkling silver gemstones to compliment their sea blue sparkle.  Am I fully embracing my inner and outer beauty? yes I bloody well am and so I should – too long have I hidden in the shadows of my own judgement, bum to hiding.  And I encourage you all to fully embrace every single authentic aspect of yourself because the universe wants to see the real you and I want to see the real you.  It is truly magnificent and that authenticity will encourage those around you to do the same. When I realised that I was going to never cover my grey hair again (obviously I’ll wear a hat from time to time but only if I can rip it off so dramatically and swing my silver locks like in the L’Oreal adverts). I did not realise who I would discover. My true self, tr...